The sanguine temperament is part of the theory of the four temperaments (four ancient Greek temperaments) which dates back to Galenus 129-201 B.C.

While the temperaments theory is not used in modern psychology, it remains intriguing to explore a theory that endured for so many centuries and laid the groundwork for more sophisticated personality theories of modern science.

Even though the theory is centuries old, there is still interest to explore this simple perspective on some key characteristics someone might have and take a guess at which of the types mostly fit you.

By identifying with a predominant temperament – such as the sanguine type – you can analyse your own personal inclinations and tendencies, and ultimately discover more about yourself and explore further, other more complex theories and ultimately, understand yourself better.

So if you find yourself leaning more towards the sanguine type, then most certainly you will not relate so much to the melancholic type or the phlegmatic type, because they are practically opposites, so you can understand that you prefer movement over stillness, and you prefer doing over thinking.

What is temperament?

When exploring temperaments, we delve into how individuals approach and interact with the world around them – how they respond to situations, process internal thoughts, and experience moods.

The four temperaments theory is based on the idea that there are essentially four types: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, and melancholic. Each temperament sheds light on a person’s predominant behavioral characteristics over their lifetime.

While the theory highlights the ideal Sanguine temperament, it doesn’t account for moments of sadness or life’s challenges, so while temperaments may exhibit specific traits, individuals can still display a range of emotions and behaviors. The theory only tells us our predominant traits.

Overview of the Sanguine Temperament

The Sanguine temperament is all about light-heartedness. Sanguines love socializing, being around people, and exchanging information. Making friends comes naturally to them—they’re social animals. And that is why forgiveness is a breeze for Sanguine temperaments; they can say something random and then forget about it a minute later, moving on without holding grudges, which is a perfect recipe for making friends. Sanguines tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves, so they will typically share their thoughts, feelings, life experiences out loud to just about anyone.

They live in the moment, seeing each day as a new opportunity to explore and enjoy. Overthinking is not for them, unlike for the melancholy types (insert link). They just feel it and do it, preferring to live in the moment. And that is why they are doers, enjoying the physical world, doing things in the real world, with their hands – like sports, crafts, cooking, art, sewing, etc. And they tend to excel at these things!

Sanguines are really “easygoing” folks— like feathers, they go with the flow of the wind. Living in the moment, they prefer a practical approach to life, leaving behind all the what-ifs. Instead of overthinking, they take action and let others handle the deep thinking.

If Sanguine types had a spirit animal, that animal would be a golden retriever puppy —full of love and happiness, with excitement and endless curiosity.

Sanguine folks are full of confidence and positivity. They’re all about action. That’s why they move fast and make decisions quicker than the thinkers. They’re not big on pondering all the outcomes before diving in. Sanguine types prefer to jump into something and learn along the way, unlike the perfectionist thinkers (melancholic and phlegmatic) who aim to do things flawlessly even if it takes longer.

The Nike slogan “Just do it!” can pretty much sum up their approach to life perfectly.

The Sanguine temperament or Sanguine Personality Type can be defined by these key characteristics (link definitions):

  • Extravert/Expressive
  • Doer
  • Movement/Quick
  • Short Impression
  • Soft/Volatile Principles
  • People-Focused/Affiliative
  • Confident/Positive/Optimistic

The sanguine’s key characteristics are: friendly, adventure-loving, social, active, impulsive, expressive, changing emotional displays, easily excited, quick to share emotions and feelings with others, energized by other people around, live in the moment, sincere to others.

And their weaknesses: forgetful, hard to discipline, hyperactive, good short-term memory, disorganized, difficulty finishing tasks/projects, can be too sincere with others, talk too much, hard to keep secrets sometimes, prone to gossip, hate do be bored, hate routine, can’t be alone for too long, gets emotional very easily.

This way, if you have a friend who has a predominant Sanguine temperament, they will display most often these charactheristics:

* Confident, positive, friendly type of person
* Easy to talk to, very approachable
* Focused on people, very compassionate and helpful
* Focused on the physical side of life – physical sensations (vs metaphysical/ideas)
* A doer (not a thinker)
* An expressive type of person, who easily cries or smiles
* Master communicator and entertainer
* Easy to make friends with
* Doesn’t have too strict principles, is easy-going

Downsides of being a Sanguine

Some of the down sides of being a Sanguine personality, is to be easily distracted with new things, new adventures, new ideas, new people. The grass is always greener somewhere else, and this can be referred to everything in their lives – either a romantic relationship, new jobs, new house, new dog, new project, new journey. Anything that sparks joy and new sensations is a “Go to” for the Sanguine temperament.

Which is why it’s also harder for someone like them to only do one thing at a time, or to properly focus and sit through a project or task and think about all the little details that need to be decided and analysed.

They prefer moving faster in life, which is why they might get jobs that don’t required much thinking, or too much studying, or too much detailed analysis, because its not their forte. It’s not natural to them, and that’s okay.  They have other valuable qualities that they bring to the table, and the world greatly benefits from those qualities.

Relationships as a Sanguine

Sanguine types find it easier to connect with open-minded people like themselves—those who enjoy adventure, new experiences, and don’t have strict rules or strong dislikes. People who can move quickly and make decisions in seconds. Because Sanguines can change plans quickly, so if their friends are rigid or hard to please, they may lose interest over time and become bored.

In relationships, however, Sanguines need to be careful to not overindulge in sensation seeking. Finding friends or partners who bring thoughtfulness and calmness into their lives can also be a good idea, as Sanguines can sometime be prone to seeking out risky or dangerous activities and situations.

So finding a balance between fun and too much fun should be a priority.

Romantic partnerships with a Sanguine Temperament

In romantic relationships, it’s important Sanguines have the possibility to vocalize their needs and their partners accepts them.

Sanguines need to be around others pretty much all the time, so they will need a partner that will understand that being by themselves without talking or connecting with anybody for a hours is not a possibility. It’s pretty much impossible. Even when they are alone, they will still be talking with someone over your phone, or on social media.

So partners of Sanguine types must either be the same, or respect this need, and not be triggered by this regular need to connect.

Practical Examples of a good partner for the Sanguine temperament

If a sanguine’s partner doesn’t like adventures and trying new things, it could be tough for the sanguine, because they thrive on excitement and novelty – always eager to check out new restaurants, new shops, or trendy coffee spots. Routine isn’t their thing, and they generally make decisions quickly. So sanguine’s partner will need to embrace their spontaneous nature or reconsider.

Sanguines also like to be with other people – a lot! So their partners needs to like that too, or at the very least, let sanguines do their thing. Their partners don’t have to crave socializing as much as sanguines do, but they should be okay with it and support this need for social interaction.

Sanguines can be very vocal, expressive, and sometimes say things in the heat of the moment that they don’t really mean. But just as quickly as they get upset, they can also let it go and move on. It’s important for their partners to understand that this is their way of dealing with emotions, and it’s unlikely to change. Holding grudges isn’t their style. Their partner should be aware of this and be okay with it in order to have a harmonious relationship.

How about work for the Sanguine type?

When it comes to work for a Sanguine temperament, given their high energy, it can get really complicated. Or not. Depends on how much a person understands this need, and adjusts their life accordingly.

If you identify with the sanguine temperament, it means that you have high energy, like to experience new things, like to talk to people and be expressive – so this means you cannot be sitting on a desk, alone the whole day, or have minimal interactions with others, because you will have pent up energy that won’t be released.

So find a job that will inspire you!

Sanguines are light people. Doers. People-persons. So they need a job that will help them be their best selves, allowing for exploration, new experiences, new people, new situations.

Obviously, it can’t be a job where there are no people at all. They need communication. And they also need to feel valued and heard, being able to share their emotions with others and to hear other people.

Also, something like creating physical things, or doing something with your hands. Anything that is related to the real world, not the mental world, with technicalities or requiring too much deep thinking, long concentration and alone time or long projects that require lots of detail work. Work needs to be separated into smaller tasks that can be easily accomplished, otherwise, you just won’t stick around for too long to finish it. You are a quick-starter, not a long finisher.

For example, working as a cook, where the work requires a short term task, that once accomplished, leads to another task, and you can have variety, choosing different menus to each season. And it’s a place where you do things fast, work with others, and get direct feedback from clients of your great work – so its win for all!

Good job options for the Sanguine temperament

Here are some characteristics for sanguines to look out for as quick doers:

* Doing, physical things
* Short-term project work/quick tasks
* There are constaly people around you, either colleagues or clients
* You can get creative, adventurous, have new things to do
* There is not too much of a routine around your tasks
* The environment is not too strict or too serious
* You can speak more freely and it’s okay

The Sanguine Temperament in scale

Based on the FIRO theory by William Schutz, there are 3 spectrums or dimensions that can analysed when it comes to social interactions:

  • Inclusion – related to social interaction, relationships with other people
  • Control – related to leadership and the ability to take responsibilities, and need for independence
  • Affection – related to emotional side

Inclusion Spectrum (social interaction, relationships with other people)

– who is in or out of their relationships

A person with the Sanguine temperament will be very social. They won’t be afraid of being around people. They love to be with others. They are complete extraverts that love to be the centre of attention, love to share their stories and their emotions with others. It’s easy to talk to them, and everyone can start a conversation with them, they will easily open their heart to any stranger.

So in the inclusion spectrum, Sanguine personality people are:

“Everybody In!” Everybody come on in, you are all welcomed to my heart and friendship!

They have wanted inclusion. They want to be with others. They are easily accepting of other people, they don’t have high criteria for others.

Control Spectrum (leadership)

– who maintains the Power and makes the Decisions in relationships, ability to take responsibilities, and need for independence

In matters of control, or who makes the decisions, it depends really on the situation. They can easily take charge. Just really depends on if there is someone else that prefers to do it. They really don’t mind much. But they will never hold their words much either.

Controls or being controlled according to “Swing”

Affection Spectrum (emotional side)

– how emotionally Close or Far the relationships are

Sanguine temperament people are always emotionally close. They can’t hold their emotions. They are not wired to think before they speak, so they will just say it out loud. They are always very emotionally close to others.

Sanguine people are very people focused. They need other people around them.

Do you identify with the Sanguine temperament? Or maybe not so much? Then check out the Choleric Temperament here.

Stay healthy and curious!

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